Can I Make Fireworks in Australia?

Make Fireworks

Fireworks are fun to set off, great to look at and an exciting thing to share between friends. However, they are also illegal to the general public in most of Australia. A experienced criminal lawyer throughout Australia regularly deal with fireworks related offences, and you should be aware of the potential penalties and consequences if you decide to dabble in the illegal.

In this article we’ll look closely at some of Australia’s fireworks rules, the penalties associated with firework manufacture or possession, and the exemptions to the general fireworks rules. It’s important to note that fireworks and other explosives offences are taken very seriously in Australia, which means that you should never attempt to get around the rules.

Can I Make Fireworks In Australia?

You’ve probably already understood the answer to this, but the short answer is that no, there are no circumstances that let you make fireworks in Australia without the relevant licensing and safety procedures.

One of the main reasons for this is that fireworks can be extremely dangerous, especially if they’re not made properly. Homemade fireworks and other explosives can cause damage to property and pose a large safety risk, and they should therefore be avoided at all costs.


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